READ Genesis 8
The flood waters recede.

Because the physical world reflects spiritual truth, the resurrection is pictured throughout nature. People fall asleep at night but awaken in the morning. The earth "dies" each fall, sleeps throughout the winter, but awakens in the spring. The earth died with the Great Flood, but Noah and his family emerged from the ark to enter a resurrected earth. Death is a fact of nature, but God abundantly pictures to us His promise: He will give us new life after death (John 3:16). Noah's response and ours? Worship.

Lift up your heart to heaven as you praise the God who rules the earth.

The Lord sits enthroned over the flood;
The Lord sits enthroned, King forever.
The Lord gives his people strength;
The Lord blesses his people with peace (Psalm 29:10-11).

Now pray this confession to the Lord to keep your life in fellowship with Him:
Remember, O Lord, Your tender mercies
And Your lovingkindnesses,
For they are from of old.
Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions;
According to Your mercy remember me,
For Your goodness' sake, O Lord (Based on Psalm 25:6-7).

Confess any sins that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind. As you agree with God's will, voice your affirmation of His Word:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth
Into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead  
And into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading,
Kept in heaven for you. You are being guarded by God’s power through faith
For a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1:3-5).

As you make your requests known to the Lord, pray for:
•A greater sense of the majesty of God in the world
•An opportunity to share your faith today
•Today's activities

Now offer this prayer of worship to the Lord:
The heavens declare the glory of God,
And the expanse proclaims the work of his hands (Psalm 19:1).
 A Dogwood Church Discipleship Ministry Resource. © Walk Thru the Bible 2023.